Israel Supplies First Air-Defense Radar to Czech Republic

Multi-Mission Radar arriving in Czech Republic. Photo: IAI

Israel Aerospace Industries has announced that it supplied the Czech Republic with its first ELM-2084 Multi-Mission Radar (MMR) in February.

The two countries’ defense ministries signed a deal worth $125 million for eight radar systems in December 2019. All the systems are expected to be handed over by April 2023. 

Five of the ELM-2084 radar systems will be deployed with stationed military posts, while the remaining three will be used for training purposes and guarding strategic objectives. 

The new radar systems will replace outdated Soviet-made ones, which the Czech Republic received in 1991. 

About the Multi-Mission Radar

The MMR is the “brain” of Israel’s air defense systems, including the Iron Dome and David’s Sling. 

A 3D active electronically scanned array radar, the MMR is capable of both surveillance and defense capabilities and is integrative with NATO systems. 

It can detect threats and then supply information to the weapons system to neutralize them.

The radar can also track and classify a range of weapons, including fighter jets, drones, artillery, rocket launchers, and mortars. It can intercept airborne targets at an altitude between 100 meters (328 feet) and 3,000 meters (2 miles) and a range of more than 250 kilometers (155 miles).

So far, Israel Aerospace Industries has sold 150 such radar systems to customers worldwide.

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