Turkey Targets Hypersonic, Supersonic Missile Development

A Northrop/Raytheon image of a scramjet-powered hypersonic missile. Raytheon/Northrop Grumman graphic via Raytheon's Twitter.

The Turkish defense research institute, TÜBİTAK SAGE, announced that the country plans to develop hypersonic missile systems in addition to its ongoing supersonic and transonic missiles projects.

Speaking to SavunmaSanayiST.com, Director Gürcan Okumus said that the institute is currently working on a Ramjet missile project, and its engine will be unveiled this year.

“We will reveal the first working engine this year in the Ramjet project and it will raise technological readiness level,” he explained. He added that the institute is also working on a Scramjet project at an early “conceptual” stage.

Trisonic Wind Tunnel in 2024

The director further stated that a trisonic wind tunnel will be ready by 2024. A trisonic tunnel can test three speed regimes: subsonic, transonic, and supersonic.

“As the fruit of all these efforts, our next step will be in high supersonic and hypersonic systems. Infrastructure is getting to the level we want and hypersonic missiles will be our main focus from now on,” he added.

Turkish Missiles

The country has developed SOM and ATMACA cruise missiles that can fly at high subsonic speeds. While the SOM is an air-launched missile against land and sea-based targets, the ATMACA is a vessel-borne anti-ship missile. 

Both missiles have been developed by Turkish manufacturer Roketsan. The SON has been integrated with the Turkish Air Force’s  F-16 and F-4E fighters, while the ATMACA is currently in trials.

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