Israeli System Downs ISIS Drones In Mozambique

Mozambique Army with Israeli counter-drone system. Image: MCTECH Technologies

The Mozambique Army downed three ISIS drones using an Israeli counter-drone system in the country’s north, Israel Defense reported, citing the army.

The MC-Horizon 360D V3 counter-drone system reportedly jammed the drones that were likely sent to gather information on troops. According to The Jerusalem Post, the drones were also going to be used to bomb the soldiers.

The downing happened within a year of the Kfar Saba-based MCTECH RF Technologies craft being sold to the East African country. 


The system provides 360-degree coverage and detects drones through a “signaling channel and radio transmission (both the uplink and downlink),” at a radius of 1.5 kilometers (0.93 miles), triggering a “neutralization system which deactivates the drone/quadcopter from any operation,” the manufacturer wrote.

The 20 kilograms (44 pounds) modular system can be carried in a backpack and attached to a vehicle or vessel. 

MC-HORIZON D360 v3 counter-drone system. Image: MCTECH Technologies

Citing the CEO of Israeli private security company Orad, The Jerusalem Post reported that MCTECH RF Technologies has sold the system to many militaries worldwide since 2014 and that the downing was the first by a foreign military.

“In Mozambique, ISIS is attacking troops with drones. They use drones to identify troops, to bomb troops, and even to identify troops and then navigate artillery to hit forces. This is exactly the same thing that happened with ISIS in Iraq,” Orad CEO Yossi Goferwa said.

Underlining the significance of the kill, Gofera added that the drones used by the terrorist group are “so small and they fly very fast and very low to the ground so that it’s hard to identify them. You need a very good radar.”

Northern Mozambique has faced waves of ISIS-linked jihadist groups for the last four years, claiming at least 3,340 lives and displacing more than 800,000 people.

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