UK Awards Elbit Systems Virtual Soldier Training System Contract

British ArmyBritish Army

British soldiers at the Army War fighting Experiment 21. Image: British Army

The UK Ministry of Defense has contracted Elbit Systems UK to deliver a new virtual soldier training system as part of the British Army’s Collective Training Transformation Programme. 

The Interim Combined Arms Virtual Simulation (Deployable) ICAVS(D) will replace the current Unit-Based Virtual Trainer by April 1, 2022, providing a higher quality, more extensive and complex training system, the Israeli firm’s UK subsidiary stated.

The training system, comprising the “latest high specification hardware” and the “Defence Virtual Simulation software,” will also help provide information for future replacement of the Command and Staff Training and Combined Arms Tactical Trainer systems.

Soldiers from the Duke of Lancaster Regiment take part in trialling virtual reality equipment at their home base in Chester, England and are seen here on Infinadecks omnidirectional treadmills. Image: British Army

Virtual Soldier Training

“ICAVS(D) will also provide the ability to conduct experimentation and collective readiness training, from vehicle crew to Combined Arms Sub-Unit,” the company stated.

“The platform will allow for rehearsal of complex operational environments in all weathers, terrains and environments, accurately reflecting the range of operational settings and equipment expected in contemporary operating environments.”

The ICAVS(D) is part of the 950 million pounds ($1.28 billion) 10-year Collective Training Transformation Programme, which uses data exploitation and digitization for “fully immersive training environments that replicate the complexities of current and future conflict environments.”

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