Emerging Tech to Change War, General Urges US to Be Ready

Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Millley. Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP

The rapid rise of new technologies is changing the fundamentals of warfare. If America doesn’t keep up, it may suffer heavily in the next major conflict, top US military officer Gen. Mark Milley warned Monday. 

Speaking at the Navy League’s Sea-Air-Space expo, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff underscored the need to keep up with these technologies and make wise investments. “It’s not about the amount of money we’re spending; it’s what we’re spending it on,” he said.

Modernizing US Forces

According to Milley, at least 40 new warfare technologies will see rapid evolution and development in the next 15 to 20 years.

“The decisions we are making today — which are mostly economic — will determine the future of the US Navy, and how we manage sea control and power projection,” he said. Furthermore, making the right investment could ensure future American generations won’t face disadvantages in the next war, Milley stressed.

While he expressed his confidence that the US is ready for combat, the general emphasized the importance of maintaining that readiness. “But we must also modernize. Preparing for war is very expensive. But even more expensive is losing a war. Our task as the military is to prepare for war.”

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