USAF Research Lab Seeks ‘Hammer’ for THOR Drone Killer

Screenshot from the Air Force Research Laboratory’s animated video of the Tactical High-power Operational Responder (THOR). Image: Air Force Research Laboratory

The United States Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is looking for partners to develop a new counter electronics weapon system to strengthen defenses against hostile drone attacks.

The new project is set to follow in the footsteps of the successful Tactical High-Power Operational Responder (THOR) project. This prototype Directed Energy weapon disables drones and is designed to counter-attack even hostile drone swarms.

Project Mjolnir

“The new prototype will be called Mjolnir, after the mythical Norse god, Thor’s hammer,” said Amber Anderson, THOR program manager. “Because THOR was so successful, we wanted to keep the new system’s name in the THOR family.”

The Mjolnir project will utilize the same technology as the THOR project, adding in some upgrades and improvements in capability, reliability, and manufacturing readiness.

“As the danger from drone swarms evolves, all services are working closely to ensure emerging technologies like Mjolnir, will be ready to support the needs of warfighters already engaged against these threats,” said Adrian Lucero, THOR deputy program manager. “The program will begin this fall with a delivery of the prototype weapon in 2023.”

Awarding of contracts to winning companies is expected to be announced soon.

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