US Marines to Equip Armored Vehicles with Israeli Loitering Munitions

A mockup of a launcher for UVision Hero-series loitering munitions on a 4x4 Joint Light Tactical Vehicle. Photo: UVision

The US Marine Corps has chosen Israel-based defense firm UVision to supply the Hero-120 smart loitering munitions system for integration into the service’s armored vehicles.

The Hero-120 is a mid-range weapons system with a unique aerodynamic structure that can carry out strikes against anti-armor, anti-material, and anti-personnel targets, including tanks. The Marines chose the system after the completion of several demonstrations and evaluations.

The system is powered by an electric motor running a single propeller and can stay aloft for up to an hour. Its maximum range is 25 miles when using a line-of-sight control system.

According to UVision, the Hero-120 will provide the Marines with highly accurate indirect fire capabilities. Its wide range of multi-purpose warheads enables the user to effectively engage various targets, even in populated urban areas.

Other Recent Developments

Earlier this month, the US Marines sent a priorities list to Congress, which includes $57.8 million for 35 additional naval strike missiles for deployment as land-based anti-ship missiles.

The service is also asking for $96 million for 48 tactical Tomahawk cruise missiles for striking long-range targets.

In partnership with the US Navy, the Marines also conducted tests of its underwater mine detection systems. They evaluated the effectiveness of mine countermeasures utilizing cutting-edge technologies.

“This new technology allows EOD technicians the ability to remotely search for mines in shallow water and surf zones that previously were not available,” US Marine Corps LEON Platoon Sergeant, Master Sgt. Ray Conard, explained.

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