Canada Acquiring New Tactical Control Radars Worth $186 Million

A Canadian flag taken at Canada Place in Vancouver. Photo: Nicholas Kamm/AFP

To further modernize its military, the Canadian government is spending $186 million for the purchase and in-service support of three new tactical control radars.

Two contracts have been awarded to defense company Thales Canada Inc. for radar systems to detect and identify potential threats in Canadian and North American airspace.

The equipment can also be deployed around the world to support operations and training exercises of the Canadian armed forces, according to Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC).

Delivery of the new tactical radars is expected to begin in 2023. They will replace the existing Northrop Grumman TPS-70s stationed in Alberta and Quebec.

“The new radars will be ready to accommodate changing technology and improve the systems throughout their life-cycle, leading to an overall reduction of life-cycle costs,” the PSPC news release stated.

Strategic Long-Term Investments

The procurement of new tactical radars is occurring as part of Canada’s Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE) defense policy introduced by the Trudeau government in 2017.

The policy aims to ensure that the country’s Department of National Defence remains committed to significant and strategic long-term investments for the Canadian armed forces.

SSE was introduced to ensure that the Canadian military will continue to be agile, combat-ready, and capable of making tangible contributions in North America and around the world.

In March, PSPC awarded a wing support services and facilities maintenance contract valued at $694 million to Serco Canada Inc. 

The Canadian army is also building a new five-story accommodation facility to provide “personnel with the infrastructure that supports their personal and professional development in and out of uniform.”

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