Germany to Expand Military Mission in War-Torn Mali

The expansion includes building a training base in central Mali.

Several German soldiers after taking part in a drill. Photo: John MacDougall/AFP

The German government has approved plans to expand the country’s military mission in Mali as rebel and extremist groups continue to pose a threat to national security.

A source working for the German government revealed that the country is considering the deployment of 600 troops in the war-torn African region, based on a report by Reuters.

The expansion will include building a training base in central Mali, where Islamist and ethnic violence continue to rise.

Germany’s participation in the United Nations peacekeeping force in the West African nation has also been extended by one year.

Currently, the UN military mission in Mali has more than 13,000 troops tasked to contain violence by armed groups.

“The threat of terrorism and organized crime not only affects Mali, but threatens to destabilize the whole of West Africa,” the German government stated.

The expansion of Germany’s military mission in the African country still needs the formal approval of parliament.

Stronger Anti-Terrorism Response Sought

Since 2012, Mali has been facing political, security, human rights, and humanitarian obstacles.

UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix has called for a strengthened response to terrorism, particularly in the Sahel region.

He emphasized that there must be a comprehensive approach to improve security, protect civilians, and restore state authority.

Lacroix’s statement was released following a terrorist attack at a United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission camp in Mali (MINUSMA), which killed four peacekeepers and injured 26 others.

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