Ukraine Army Receives Modernized Helicopter Amid Tension With Russia

The chopper, dubbed the Mi-8MT, features upgraded parts and systems.

The new Mi-8MT helicopter received by Ukraine army. Photo: Ukroboronprom

In a bid to provide better protection against threats to national security, the Ukrainian armed forces have taken delivery of a modernized helicopter from state-run aircraft repair plant, AVIAKON.

The vehicle — dubbed the Mi-8MT — features upgraded parts and systems, according to a Ukroboronprom press release. It is also equipped with Ukrainian-made armor plating, as well as active and passive protection against missiles with infrared target-seeker technology.

The helicopter further has two satellite navigation sets, an emergency position-indicating radio beacon, and a radar transponder to comply with flight requirements set by the International Civil Aviation Organization.

To perform missions such as combat search and rescue in bad weather, the chopper has been retrofitted with imported weather radar and a modern radio altimeter.

Ukraine Continues Upgrading Firepower

The arrival of the retrofitted helicopter in Ukraine is part of continuing efforts to strengthen military firepower and protect national security amid growing tension with Russia.

Last month, the state-owned Iskra Research and Production Complex delivered a new 3D radar system to the armed forces.

The army has also received a new domestically manufactured large caliber rifle, The Alligator, which will allow troops to “engage the enemy’s fortified positions and hardware, including light armored vehicles.”

On April 6, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on NATO to speed up the country’s membership in the alliance, saying it is the only way to end fighting with pro-Russia separatists.

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