US Army Seeking Logistical Software for ‘Disconnected Environment’

The army said an adversary can “attempt to disrupt, degrade, or curtail” the network, necessitating the need for a communication system resistant to outside interference.

The Global Combat Support System – ArmyThe Global Combat Support System – Army

The Global Combat Support System – Army currently provides key logistical services to war fighters in a multi-domain environment. Image: Julius Chatters/US Army

The US Army is seeking software for its logistical support organizations that can function in a disconnected, “limited bandwidth operational environment.”

The Army published a solicitation for a new operating system for use where the service has to operate in “smaller, more dispersed units far away from well-established military posts that offer critical infrastructure.”

Presently, the army employs a communication system that requires access to the Department of Defense information network.

Need for Uninterruptible Communication System

The army said an adversary can “attempt to disrupt, degrade, or curtail” the network, necessitating the need for a communication system resistant to outside interference.

The operating system will provide continuous functionality of key logistical elements such as maintenance operations, warehouse management, property accountability, unit supply, and key supporting business functions, the statement said.

The Global Combat Support System (GCSS) – Army currently provides these services to warfighters in a multi-domain environment.

“GCSS-Army provides a consolidated, integrated database for logistics functions and gives both sustainers and supported commander’s up-to-date visibility of the resources available to a commander,” the statement read.

Paper-Based Processes During System Outages

GCSS-Army currently lacks the ability to operate in a disconnected, intermittent, and limited bandwidth (DIL) operational environment and hence functions through paper-based processes during system outages.

The army specified that the system must be able to operate in a DIL environment for up to seven days.

It further stated that the software should support configuration work, require minimal customization, and be ready for the transition to a potential ERP (enterprise resource planning) convergence platform.

Moreover, it said the software must also be able to record equipment dispatch and provide dashboard data.

According to the solicitation, “The GCSS-Army Disconnected Operations Solution must have the capability to perform Army designated mission-critical functions with sufficient supporting Data, Supply Chain, Asset Management, Inspection, Status Reporting, and Administration functions to support the end-to-end business process(es).”

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