Lockheed Martin Unveils Land, Sea, and Air Launchable Counter-Drone System

The MORFIUS interceptor system can simultaneously neutralize multiple target.

The tube-launched MORFIUS in flight. Photo: Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin recently unveiled a counter-unmanned aerial system (C-UAS) interceptor to take on combat drones and drone swarms on land, at sea, and in the air.

The MORFIUS interceptor system is based on high-powered microwave technology and is capable of simultaneously neutralizing multiple targets, the defense manufacturer stated.

As part of a layered defense system against combat drones, Lockheed Martin said MORFIUS can be launched from “fixed or mobile platforms, including ground vehicles, air vehicles, and vessels, readily supporting On-The-Move scenarios.”

Ideal for Interoperability During Joint Ops

MORFIUS’s ability to be launched from a range of vehicles makes it ideal for joint defense operations across current and future threat landscapes, Lockheed Martin added.

“The C-UAS landscape is constantly and rapidly evolving, so adaptability and flexibility, while maintaining effectiveness against new threats is critical,” said Rebecca Schwartz, Lockheed Martin C-UAS business development lead.

“…we built MORFIUS to be a plug-and-play capability to easily integrate into a variety of end-to-end systems.” 

Based on ALTIUS Airframe

The interceptor is based on the airframe of Area-I’s ALTIUS UAS. The Georgia-based aerospace company is also responsible for the integration of MORFIUS’ payload, and the adaptation of ALTIUS’ avionics and software to the C-UAS.

“We are excited to work collaboratively with the Lockheed Martin Advanced Programs team on their C-UAS efforts,” said Dr. Nick Alley, Area-I CEO.

“The breadth of platforms from which it can be launched, coupled with its unique and capable payload, make MORFIUS a real discriminator against what we’ve seen in the market.”


MORFIUS is fitted with an onboard seeker to track enemy drones far before stationary systems can do so, the developer said.

“While ground-based systems are limited in range because they are fixed, MORFIUS has the ability to fly out to the threat and extend those capabilities to significantly farther ranges — eliminating the threat away from friendly forces,” said Schwartz.

“This becomes more critical when we think of counter-swarms and limited response times.”

The recoverable, reusable system has been tested and matured over a decade, the manufacturer said, adding that it has a proven record of successfully defeating targets in lab and flight tests.

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