French Troops Kill Over 20 Jihadists in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is struggling with an insurgency by armed Islamists who swept in from neighboring Mali in 2015.

France has deployed more than 5,000 troops in its Barkhane anti-jihadist force in West Africa. Photo: Daphné Benoit/AFP

More than 20 jihadists have been killed by French troops this month in Burkina Faso near the border with troubled Mali, the French military said Thursday.

One of the poorest countries in the world, Burkina Faso is struggling with a ruthless insurgency by armed Islamists who swept in from neighboring Mali in 2015.

Almost 1,100 people have died and more than a million people have fled their homes.

French Tigre helicopters on Saturday “neutralized” a “suspicious convoy of 30 motorcycles” on Burkinabe territory near the Mali town of Boulikessi in which some 10 jihadists were killed, said Colonel Frederic Barbry, spokesman for the French defense staff.

The same day, a French drone struck a four-wheel drive vehicle heading for Mali, he said.

On Sunday, French helicopters fired on a convoy of 40 motorbikes “allowing us to stop the convoy and neutralize more than 10 armed terrorists and destroy about 10 motorbikes,” Barbry added.

France has deployed troops in the region to fight jihadists.

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