Netanyahu lawyer to be charged with money-laundering in German submarine deal

A Thyssenkrupp agent and former head of Israel's navy are also charged over Dolphin 2-class submarine purchase

Israeli Navy Dolphin 2-class submarine INS Rahav during sea trials in Germany, 2014. Image: Ein Dahmer/CC-BY 4.0

Israel’s attorney general said that he intends to charge Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal lawyer with money-laundering in the state’s purchase of submarines from German firm Thyssenkrupp.

Attorney general Avichai Mandelblit last month announced charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust against Netanyahu in three different corruption cases, nicknamed cases 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000.

On Thursday, December 5 he announced his intention to indict on case 3,000, which involved Germany’s sale of military submarines and other Thyssenkrupp designed vessels to Israel for a total sum of around $2 billion (ILS 695 billion/€180 billion).

The ministry statement announced indictments against Netayahu’s personal lawyer David Shimron, Thyssenkrupp’s local agent Michael Ganor and former head of the navy Eliezer Marom, among others.

Israeli police announced in November 2018 they had enough evidence to charge a number of suspects, including Shimron, who is also Netanyahu’s cousin.

The premier had been questioned over the case but no charges were brought.

With reporting from AFP

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