Afghanistan: Death toll rises after Taliban attack on Kabul’s Green Village

Bombing comes as US finalizes deal with Taliban to end 18-year-old war

US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalizad, pictured at CPAC 2011 in Washington, D.C. Image: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia/CC BY-SA 2.0

KABUL, Afghanistan (AFP) – A massive blast in a residential area of Kabul killed at least 16 people, officials said Tuesday, following yet another Taliban attack that came as the insurgents and Washington try to finalize a peace deal.

U.S. special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad was in the Afghan capital to discuss the proposed deal – which would see the U.S. withdraw troops in return for Taliban security guarantees – when the Monday bombing happened.

Interior ministry spokesperson Nasrat Rahimi said the blast was caused by a tractor packed with explosives that had been parked alongside a wall by Green Village, a large compound that houses aid agencies and international organizations.

In addition to the 16 killed, 119 were wounded in the attack, Rahimi said, noting a search-and-rescue operation had lasted through the night.

The bombing was the third major Taliban attack in as many days. The insurgents launched multi-fronted attacks on two key cities in the north on the weekend, killing and wounding dozens of security forces and civilians.

Residents in the area around Kabul’s Green Village were furious that their neighborhood, which has been targeted before, had been hit once again and blamed the assault on the nearby international presence.

Locals set tires on fire, sending plumes of thick, acrid smoke into the morning sky, and closed off a main road next to the scene of the attack. The sound of gunfire could be heard on a live TV broadcast Monday morning.

“We want these foreigners to move out of our neighborhood,” resident Abdul Jamil told AFP.

“This is not the first time we suffer because of them … We don’t want them here anymore.”

In January, a powerful truck bomb detonated near Green Village, killing at least four people and wounding more than 100 others.

Green Village is separate from the nearby Green Zone, a walled-off and heavily fortified part of Kabul that is home to several embassies including the U.S. and British missions.

US to leave five bases

The Taliban claimed the Monday attack, which came as Afghanistan’s main TV station, Tolo News, was broadcasting an interview with Khalilzad.

The Afghan-born envoy, who has spent about a year negotiating with the Taliban, told Tolo the U.S. would pull troops from five bases across Afghanistan under a final deal if the Taliban honor their end of the bargain.

“We have agreed that if the conditions proceed according to the agreement, we will leave within 135 days five bases in which we are present now,” Khalilzad said.

The Pentagon gives the official number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan as 14,000 – though the real number is thought to be a bit less – and President Donald Trump last week said America would maintain a permanent presence of about 8,600 troops initially, even after a deal is reached with the Taliban.

That would appear to mean about 5,400 US troops are set to leave Afghanistan under the initial terms of the deal, reducing the U.S. military presence to about what it was before Trump came into office.

In return for reducing troop numbers, the Taliban would vow to cut ties with al-Qaeda and open negotiations with the Afghan government with the aim of creating an eventual ceasefire.

But even as negotiations for an accord between the U.S. and the Taliban have entered what are widely considered to be the final stages, violence has surged across Afghanistan.

On Saturday, the Taliban attempted to seize Kunduz in the north, and on Sunday, they launched an operation in the city of Pul-e Khumri, the capital of neighboring Baghlan province.

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