Israel and US test Arrow 3 ballistic missile interceptors

The Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) completed the second successful flyout test of the Arrow-3 interceptor in 2014. Image: US Missile Defense Agency

The Israeli and U.S. defense ministries said Tuesday, January 22 they had successfully tested ballistic missile interceptors deployed at Israeli airbases.

The tests came a day after the latest deadly exchange of fire between Israel and Iranian forces operating in Syria.

The Arrow 3 interceptor system, designed to shoot down missiles above the atmosphere, was deployed at air force bases across Israel two years ago.

An Israeli defense ministry statement said Tuesday that the system’s radars had detected the target, a replica missile launched from central Israel.

“At the right moment, the Arrow 3 interceptor was launched toward the target and successfully completed its mission,” it said.

Arrow 3 is intended to serve as Israel’s highest-altitude missile interception system.

Systems for intercepting incoming missiles at lower altitudes are either already deployed or close to becoming operational.

In December, Israel’s arch-enemy Iran confirmed that it had carried out a missile test, after Western powers sharply criticised a launch of medium-range ballistic missiles.

Western powers said the missiles were capable of carrying nuclear warheads and therefore violated a landmark 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

Tehran says its missile program is “non-negotiable.”

Israel had opposed the deal between Iran and major powers, which lifted a wide range of international sanctions in exchange for limits on the Islamic republic’s nuclear program.

Iran reined in most of its nuclear program under the 2015 deal, but has continued to develop its ballistic missile technology, which falls outside the scope of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action agreement.

Israel’s Arrow system, partly financed by the United States, was developed and produced by Israeli Aerospace Industries in partnership with Boeing.

“The success of this test is a major milestone in the operational capabilities of the State of Israel and its ability to defend itself against current and future threats in the region,” the defense ministry said Tuesday.

The system passed a series of tests before being deployed in 2017, and the ministry did not give further details on the purpose of Tuesday’s test.

Israel has vowed to prevent Iran from entrenching itself in neighbouring Syria.

In recent days, Israel has carried out a series of strikes on what the Israel Defense Forces said were Iranian facilities in its war-torn neighbor, after a rocket was fired on Sunday at the Golan Heights.

Four Syrian soldiers were killed and six injured in the strikes at Damascus airport, Russia’s RIA news agency reported.

Israel accused Iranian forces of firing the surface-to-surface rocket, which was intercepted by the Iron Dome system.

With reporting from AFP

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