Jaysh Maghawir Al-Thawra – better known as MaT – along with Coalition forces engaged and defeated an attempted ISIS attack in the de-confliction zone near At Tanf on Thursday, November 16, a press release from the U.S.-led Coalition said.

The vetted Syrian opposition partner force killed nine ISIS fighters and destroyed several vehicles, the release said on Sunday, November 19.
“Da’esh terrorists in vehicles with blacked-out headlights penetrated Syrian regime lines into the de-confliction zone,” the release said. “Coalition and partner forces ordered the vehicles to halt, upon which Daesh terrorists dismounted and began firing. Coalition and MaT partners returned fire, killing 9 Daesh members and destroying several vehicles.”
“Throughout the event, Coalition officials and their Russian counterparts used the de-confliction telephone line to ensure forces on the ground did not belong to Russia or the Syrian Regime,” the release added.
Special Operations Joint Task Force Director of Operations, Colonel Owen Ray said that the exchange of fire is “evidence the terrorist organization still poses a threat to the people of southern Syria.”
“This skirmish also underscores the Coalition’s commitment to remain in the region until Daesh is defeated,” Ray added.
Coalition special forces are training the sole remaining Vetted Syrian Opposition force, Jaysh Maghawir Al-Thawra (MaT) in the At Tanf area. The55-km radius deconfliction zone is surrounded on three sides by pro-regime forces, while the fourth is the border with Iraq and Jordan. MaT maintains security of the zone.